
Yahoo Groups closing on Dec 14th 2019

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Can't log in "Either you have the wrong username & password"

Started by Wilson Logan, October 20, 2019, 12:36:09 PM

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Max Pre-Server

Message download is working for me with no VPN now, but only for groups that I've already created separate databases for. The List Groups function is nonfunctional (but I need it; I have one database per group). The List Groups function is nonfunctional with a VPN as well.

Max Pre-Server

Not very tidy but here's a workaround for not being able to access the groups list: if you made a database with every group listed, duplicate it a ton of times, rename each one, and then download the messages from each one for one group. Seems to work for right now.

Wilson Logan


Something that happened to me (a few weeks ago actually) was that all my groups disappeared from my groups list.

I had like 120. 

Ok, I had quit about 80 groups but suddenly I have only 4 left and get this... the two groups that I am owner of were not in those 4 groups.

Fortunately I had a 2nd account with membership of my owned groups and a few others.

Yahoo are dropping people from groups or dropping the groups list.

Your work around is what I would have recommended.

Max Pre-Server

What's really strange is that all my groups do display on the Yahoo Groups website, just not in PG Offline (the List Groups function where I get the "can't log in" error).  ???

Wilson Logan

If you can't login try the VPN to Canada or the UK.

Login is at least working here.


I'm really stumped by this.

I downloaded the newest PGO, and I'm putting in my user name (the part before the @yahoo, right?), and my password. I can log in to Yahoo on both Firefox and Palemoon browsers, and I don't have two part verification set. I even tried an entirely different account, begrudgingly agreed to the 'oath' there, but nothing worked there either.

The VPN workaround is quite over my head, so I haven't tried it, and it sounded like it wasn't necessary anymore. I'd hoped not to have to jump through too many more hoops to start downloading quickly, since I'm not sure if my connection is fast enough to download everything in time. I'm feeling the pressure. As it turns out the Yahoo data is woefully incomplete, and I have to try something else.

Is there still anything I can do to make PGO work for me?



Wilson Logan

The Yahoo service is very flakey.

I could not login using PGO about an hour ago & now I can.

Try it again and see if it works for you.


No, sadly it's still not letting me in. :(

Could I be doing anything else wrong? PGO is operating from an external hard drive, and I have a slightly sluggish DSL connection, but can download videos fine. I'm on Windows 7, on a laptop, simultaneously logged into Yahoo in Palemoon,...

Wilson Logan

Either you can login to a remote location (like Japan or the UK) using a VPN or you can keep trying to login from where you are.

Currently I am able to get my groups list and download messages but an hour ago I could not.

The trick is... once you get logged in, don't log out till you have all the data you want.

Max Pre-Server

My workaround seems to no longer work for the moment. Managed to get all the files/photos/links downloaded for every group I was a member of last night, but the message download I set to happen overnight in five databases appears to not have worked at all. It seems the program auto-quit itself without downloading a thing sometime during the night (I have sleep etc disabled and haven't had an issue before). I do not like Yahoo's little server game.

Wilson Logan

Its like they're rotating the change around geographic locations.

Which is very clever if you want to **** PGO users up.

I can't make a solution for a change that keeps changing....

Max Pre-Server

Everything is working including group listing as of 4:17am CST. However, I'm getting a strange issue. If I try to download, say, three groups in one database at once, or refresh all groups in a given database, the program seems to get caught in a feedback loop of skipping messages. Eventually it stops all groups from downloading anything and it takes two re-opens of a database before I can successfully start a group downloading again.

Max Pre-Server

FYI Yahoo took an extra day to do it, but everything is gone now.

Wilson Logan

Yeah, I'm getting lots of mail from the Group owners groups verifying that.

Ce la Vie!


I managed to get a list of groups once last night, but hadn't purchased the program and received an error saying my trial had run out and that I needed to purchase.

Since purchasing, every time I've attempted to try and get a list of groups I get "13:59:33 Login failed. Either you have the wrong username & password OR you have two factor authentication switched on. In Yahoo Groups, please set two factor authentication to 'OFF'. More information can be found here:".  I've used a VPN to try all the countries listed in this thread + Brazil and South Africa and get the same error.  I just tried running it again less than 20 minutes ago and got the error again.

Anyone been able to successfully use this program recently?

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