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(Still) Answering from within PG

Started by Denos, December 16, 2004, 08:01:54 AM

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I can't get  the REPLY functiion to work.

I've tried (external)using Pegasus, Eudora and Mozilla Thunderbird. Nop go.

(Internal). This is the relvant part of the message I always get:

 -> MAIL FROM:<>
<- 530 Authentication required
Error: 530 Authentication required

 1 of 1 servers failed

Getting pretty prustrated. Any experience to share - possible solutions - tip?



The internal mail client does not support smtp auth, so it is not compatible with your mail server.  One thing you may try is running a local proxy, something that has the ability to login to your remote server, and appear as a standard smtp server at localhost.

For now, all my replies from pgo are cut and pastes into gmail.

Wilson Logan

Good answer but Dennis tells me this used to work for him before he got the latest patch..... !?!


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