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New problem!

Started by AceHarddrive, June 14, 2004, 10:57:47 PM

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I gotta new problem!  Whenever I click on the icon, the "splash" screen comes up, then I get this:


Usually I don't even get that!  Most often the program just starts up, then crashes.  Any ideas?

~Tim  ^_^

Wilson Logan

Hi Tim,

OK, what version are you running, what OS do you have & whats different about your PC from when PGO was running OK? Have you added any hardware, installed any new software, drivers, etc?




I'm running ver. 2.5.10 on a PC with Windows XP Home edition.  The only real difference is that I installed Corel Painter 8.  The only thing is, I installed that yesterday, and the error/crash started no more than an hour or two ago.  Oh, yes, I also installed a new printer.  I don't know if you were able to see the pic above, but it says "The exception Floating Point inexact result.  (0xc000008f) occurred in the application at location 0x77e6d756.  Click on OK to terminate the program."

~Tim  ^_^

Wilson Logan

Hi Tim,

Can you send us a screen shot of the full error? If windows produces a log file that'd be handy as well.




Here ya go!

No log file that I can see, sorry.

~Tim  ^_-


Apparently Yahoo has been upgrading their parts were down. Everything on my version works now.  They also upgraded the mail servers and did something with groups.

   So Give it a try again and see if it works!

 All i  can say is that all systems are a go now and I was getting the same errors that you were this morning.


Sorry.  That pic just will not come out no matter what I do.  BTW, I'm using Ofoto to store the pic.
Sorry, Alex, but it still doesn't work.  Also, my "Photo Album Downloader for Yahoo" isn't working either!  It keeps telling me that either my login failed or I'm not a member of any groups.  Seems like Yahoo is doing all it can to screw its loyal subjects up.

~Tim   :'(

Wilson Logan


Attachments are switched off in the Forum. Please email the screenshot to me at wilson.logan (at)




Well, I don't get that error message anymore.  Now it just show the splash screen, then something flashes on the screen (I think it's the main PGO screen), and is gone.  I can't get it to work at all!  
I just installed the new patch (pgpatch25021.exe), but I get the same result.  :'(

~Tim   :(

Wilson Logan


I've turned attachments on in the forum now.  250Kb limit I think.

Alex is on holiday till Monday so I'll pass this onto him when he gets back. I think its beyond me!




Hey Wilson!
I cured PGO of its screwy problem by doing what you advised me to do for another problem I had:  Uninstall PGO>Go to regedit and delete PGO information>reinstall fresh copy of PGO.  It worked, but in all the confusion of moving email files from one email client (IncrediMail) to another (Thunderbird), I lost the email you sent me with my registration information.  Could you please resend it?  

Thanks much!
Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!
~Tim  ^_^

Wilson Logan


It is a done thing !



Thanks for the reg info, Wilson!  I installed the pgpatch25024.exe, went to download the messages from apophysis-fractals group (total of 49 messages) took no more than a few seconds!  Very speedy!  Now I gotta test it on something with a lot more than 49, huh?  

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
~Tim ^_-

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