In order to search groups choose the Search button.
The Search dialogue is displayed.
Remember to choose a group to search.
Now lets find all posts by a particular person.
Select the person or persons you wish to search for.
Choose the Find All button to start the search.
Lets minimise the search dialogue.
Ok, now we can sort the result as desired by clicking any of the list headings.
Or we could select them all and "Show selection as Digest".
I prefer to view the Digest full screen...
Lets now search by Subject. I'm looking for subject lines containing the text 'Archiving'.
And here's the result. Note that the number of results is shown in the status pane.
Now lets do the same search but on the message text.
This time there are 95 messages found.
We can also restrict the search using a message number range.
The result comes back restricted to the range specified.
All the search functions can be combined. You can search for posts by a person with particular text
in the Subject and Message text, within a range of messages.